

Proverbs 28:1 ESV
“The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.”

Solomon is telling us that the people who do evil live in fear. We know that people that do evil make up their own set of rules. Morality is skirted by their actions because they are imposters. We know that they promote fear, and we know that they have no hope or even a real future. If they are found out or exposed, they blame someone else or something else.

The righteous on the other hand, are to be bold as lions. Not in a brash way to others, but bold in our faith, bold in our service, bold in our quest for righteousness or right standing with God. Bold as to not be shaken by fear.

People need to see that we are serious about our faith. They need to see that we stand by what the Word of God says. They need to see that we are not fearful or wavering in our faith.

As a young man I used to fear confrontation about my faith. I was never ashamed of my faith, but I did not know how to defend my faith or even really explain why I believe the way I believe.

Now I feel as bold as a lion about why I believe the way I believe. Our Lord gave everything for us, EVERYTHING. His boldness inspires me to be bolder. To stand up tall in the face of fear knowing my Savior stands by my side.

Lord Jesus, give each and every one of us boldness. Boldness to testify, boldness to stand up for our faith, boldness to speak about why we believe the way we believe. Boldness not to fear, not to be in dread of the things in this world. In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!