Resurrection and the Life
John 11:25 ESV
“Jesus said to her, “I Am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me, though he die, yet shall he live…”
Jesus said to Martha, the sister of Lazarus, “I AM.” I believe that was enough, but He did go on. For Jesus to say, “I AM,” He was saying that He was God and He could do anything He wanted, at any time He wanted. Specifically, He said, “Whoever believes in Me, even if the ultimate happens to them who believe and they die, He, Jesus, has the power to raise them back to life and put their Spirit back into them.”
No one except God the Father can do that. There is no one, not satan, not any evil power, no one has the power to do that outside the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
When we believe in the great, I AM, nothing is impossible, nothing is too hard, nothing limits their power. Not even doubt can keep the great I AM at bay.
Jesus, I know You are who You say You are. I know that You are the great I AM. I believe in You, I trust You, I hope You can trust me to always believe. In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!