Knowing God, Knowing Us
1 John 3:1
“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him.”
I know we take it for granted sometimes, but God’s love is so amazing. He loved us before we ever thought of Him. He loved us when we knew nothing, He loved us when we did not seek Him, He loved us when we violated His laws, He loved us even when we were just empty. Then, when we turned and received Him, He made us His children. Who does that? Only our God!
Now that we are following God with our whole heart, people think we have lost our mind, serving a God that we cannot see, but we know He is everywhere, all at the same time. They will never understand us, never listen to our words. They’ll never accept the Gospel from our lips until they are drawn by the Spirit of God and begin to realize He is real, He is who He says He is.
We are minorities in the world because of our faith. To those who will receive Him before this life passes away, they will get it, they will understand why we love our Father God so much.
Father God, I pray all mankind would follow after You, even though not all will follow until at the end of time, every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess You as Lord. Until then we will show Your love through our lives, in the things we say and do, hoping, praying that those around the world will receive You before it is too late. In Your name Father God, Amen!