Put God First
Proverbs 3:6 TLB
“In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.”
Put God first, in theory that is a great concept, but with the way the human mind works, God is usually not the first thought or the first one we go to. I faced a dilemma the other day concerning our business. I asked God for guidance but my first thought was to charge ahead. So I asked God to bless my endeavors as I pressed forward.
Needless to say, I made the wrong choice and caused hours of work and travel for nothing. Then in the end I did what God said to do and moved on. Strangely God and my wife typically have the same advice. Who would have thought that!
So, my quest, “In everything you (I) do, put God first, and he will direct you (and me) and crown your efforts (and mine) with success.” Don’t press forward and ask God to come along and bless you, seek Him first, see what He wants you to do, THEN He will crown your efforts with success.
Lord, help to not be dumb and believe I can do things my way and hope you will bless those selfish ways I seek You Lord, guide me, direct me in Your paths of righteousness.
In Your name Lord, Amen!