
Hear the Sound of Warning

 Nehemiah 4:18-20 ESV
“The man who sounded the trumpet was beside me. And I said to the nobles and to the officials and to the rest of the people, The work is great and widely spread, and we are separated on the wall, far from one another.  In the place where you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there. Our God will fight for us.’”

I understand that most people believe that they know best and that they hear from God what’s best for themselves. That being said, I have discovered in my life that I need to listen to the warnings of those I trust in. Our Lord primarily, but my wife being my greatest person that watches and listens.

When I’m not careful or have not seen the enemies schemes, my wife is very good about alerting me. This past week my Facebook account was hacked for the 100th time and I had a few faithful friends alert me of a content that was not good that was sent in my name. Immediately my wife went into action to delete my account because I’m sick of fighting this.

To those faithful ones, who also texted me about the Facebook account, thank you! That being said, there will be times when the enemy attacks in a direction that we do not see. Listen to the warning, head the attack, rally the troops, and climb in God’s fox hole, He will fight for us.

Lord, You have strategically placed people in our lives to keep us safe, for that I am eternally grateful! Help me to always heed the warnings and rally the troops and rely upon You! In Your name Lord, Amen!