
Get Back to Where God Placed You

1 Corinthians 7:17 AMP
“Only, let each one [seek to conduct himself and regulate his affairs so as to] lead the life which the Lord has allotted and imparted to him and to which God has invited and summoned him…”

We all have a place and an assignment from God. Some were gifted to help people, some were gifted to teach, preach and others to sing. Some were gifted to write, some were gifted to write songs and play instruments and others were gifted to serve.

In this life, a lot of things get in the way; illnesses, death of loved ones, some leave us unexpectedly, diseases, financial burdens change our paths. But we are still called, still gifted, still anointed for specific works. God still has doors opened, even when others close, but He still has a work for us to do.

Sometimes God asks us to work for Him in spite of the troubles of this life, or possibly through the troubles of this life. Sometimes we will see healing in or ministries when we are not being healed ourselves.

Paul touched thousands of lives while he remained in prison. Peter wrote his second letter under the threat of being executed. Working for God despite what is not going right in our life has its rewards, we are doing His work.

Lord, you have designed and fashioned each of us with a destiny and a purpose. Sometimes life gets us off track. Help us to rediscover the work that you have for us to do and fulfill Your plan. In Your name Lord, Amen!