
Walk With the Wise

Proverbs 13:20 ESV
“Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.”

It’s a very simple solution, we want our children, friends, love ones to hang around wise people. Not just smart people, but people who use wisdom in every situation of their lives.

When we tell our children or loved ones that they need to have friends that will be a positive influence, I have to ask myself, did I chose those kind of people as my friends when I was young? Not typically! Now that I am older, I have people that are close that have discretion, wisdom, and common sense.

When we have good friends, wise friends, prudent friends, we become better people, better friends to our friends. But when we choose friends that are careless, even reckless, that effects us as well. Solomon says that “companion of fools will suffer harm.” I think we have all been there. Choose your friends wisely!

Lord, we understand that we sometimes become like the friends we choose. Teach us to choose our friends wisely. As for us, make us wise influencers to those who befriend us. In Your name Lord, Amen!