1 John 4:4b NLT
“…the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.”
Make no mistake, the spirit that is in the world is strong. Just look at the shape the world is in, just look at the shape America is in. He is powerful, cunning and he lies with every breath that he takes. He would have the world see that wrong is right and right is wrong. But we have the Spirit of the living God in us, He is all powerful, all mighty, all knowing, and at the end of time, every knee will bow to God and every tongue will confess Jesus is Lord. Time began with God on the throne, and time will end with God on the throne. His Holy Spirit lives in you and I and greater is He who is in us than the spirit that is in the world!
Father, thank you for overcoming power through Your Holy Spirit in me. Greater are You within me than he that is in the world.