
Acts 1:3 ESV

“He (Jesus) presented Himself alive to them after His suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God.”

Why was the Kingdom of God so important that He spent an extra 40 days telling the disciples about it? Because the Kingdom of God is what the disciples were going to help establish here on earth. The Kingdom of God is not just in heaven, Jesus said the Kingdom is in your midst, meaning He is the King and He is setting up the Kingdom the day He started His ministry.

Now that Jesus was resurrected, He lives in all who believe and receive Him as Lord. Jesus is now anointing His disciples to spread the kingdom, wherever they go and to whoever will receive it. You and I are a part of that Kingdom of God because we have believed and receive Jesus as Lord. The Kingdom of God is in you and me, spread the Word.

Father, I understand that when I testify of Jesus and people believe and receive, I am helping them to receive the Kingdom of God in their own lives. Help me to proclaim the gospel to everyone I can.