Walk as Children of Light
Ephesians 5:8 ESV
“For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light”
As children of light, we are not afraid to be different from the world. I’m not talking about people that wear their religion on their shirt sleeve trying to make people feel inferior, I’m talking about people that allow their light to shine in a dark world.
At night time when it’s time to go to bed, I like it dark. The only light is a soft glow from the kitchen night light that barely peaks in the door, and the red numbers on the clock of course. When something like the light from the night light down the hall shows up on the wall of the bedroom its annoying when I wake up and see it.
It’s the same way with us and this dark world in which we live. People like living in their darkness. Then a Christian comes along and a light shines in the darkness. They are not upset that they live in darkness, they are upset that we bring light into their darkness and expose their dark deeds.
We cannot apologize for our light because that is what God wants us to do. In some cases when our light shines, people in this world realize they are in darkness and want the light that we have. It happened for us, it can happen for others.
Paul concludes this verse with, “walk as children of light.” How do we do that? We live our lives through Jesus and all that He stood for. We follow His path and His words.
We treat people with respect, even those in the darkness so that they will see our good deeds and praise the Master who lives in us. We don’t imitate the deeds of the darkness. We are in the world but not of the world.
Lord, shine through my life. Don’t allow me to hide my light, don’t allow me to apologize for being different but allow me to reflect You in this dark world that others will see the light and glorify You.