
Knowing the Voice of Our Savior

John 10:3-4

“To Him (Jesus) the gatekeeper opens. The sheep hear His voice, and He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out. When He has brought out all His own, He goes before them, and the sheep follow Him, for they know His voice.”

When I was the associate Pastor at a church, I had to arrive early to be sure that everything was set up properly. One Sunday as I was setting up early, I was talking to someone before the service. At that moment, I heard someone come in the door of the foyer. I did not know who it was, and I didn’t see them because they were in the foyer, and I was in the sanctuary. I didn’t think much about it because there were already about fifty to sixty people gathering and talking. Then I heard someone cough and I turned from whom I was talking to and realized that my wife had entered the building, just by hearing her cough. I know my wife’s voice and her cough because I have heard that sweet voice for many years.

Having a close abiding relationship with Jesus is the only way to get to know His voice. We may not hear His audible voice, but hearing what He says down in our spirit is like no other. We vie for many voices in our heads, from our own conscience, to words that we say to ourselves, even from words that we have had others say to us that we cannot seem to forget. Jesus’s voice is the voice of reason that tells us just what He hears the Father say. We can know His voice because it always lines up with the words of God. His words always make sense, and His words always leads us in the right direction.

If you want to get to know the voice of our Savior and Lord, read His words over and over again. After a while, that voice of reason inside your head will become familiar. Then as you go along reading His words and listening to the Spirit speak to you, there will be no doubt of the voice that speaks to your heart.


Lord, let us hear Your voice in the morning and throughout the day. As we settle into rest, let us hear Your voice and not the voice of condemnation and defeat, the voice of a stranger. As we read Your words, help us to develop a familiarity of hearing You speak to us, because Your children know Your voice, we will follow You. In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!

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