
Seeing Clearly

2 Corinthians 4:6 NIV
“For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.”

Do you want to know how it came to be that we saw Jesus and said yes to Jesus? It was God! His Holy Spirit drew us to Him. Then God pulled back the veil of darkness and revealed everything about Jesus that we needed to know. It was then we saw the light, and the knowledge of what Jesus did for us was revealed to us.

Now that was just the beginning of the journey. Who reveals to us Jesus every time we need Him? God the Father, He still has that light shining in our hearts like a beacon in the night guiding us back to Jesus who holds all the glory of God and all the answers we need, all the comfort, all the strength and power.

Every situation that we encounter whether positive or negative, the light should come on that Jesus is still guiding the way, still providing the answers that we need.

Thank You Father, for enlightening our hearts and minds to the full knowledge of who Jesus is to us and what He means to us, and what He will do for us today. We praise You Father, Amen!