1 John 2:16 NLT
“For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world.”
This verse relates to the temptations that Satan knows will trip us up easily. The cravings of the flesh is not just lust, it encompasses much more. This craving of the flesh can be a thirst for things such as food, drugs, alcohol and much of what we do in life is dictated by our inward desires and cravings.
The same is true for us spiritually. How we think and act as a believer is often a direct response to some inner craving in our life. Cravings of what we see and want is what other translations call the “desires of the eyes.” Simply put, the desires of the eyes is the sinful desire to possess what we see or to have those things which have visual appeal.
This coveting of money, possessions, or other physical things is not from God, but from the world around us.
John emphasizes that these physical things do not last; they will pass away. The pride of life is basically saying, “look what I have accomplished on my own or done my own way.” Reliance on doing life our own way and believing we possess the power to do what we want.
The three temptations of Jesus in the wilderness are framed in these three aspects Satan uses on us all. We would do well to understand Satan’s vices and condemn them as Jesus did by the power of God in His word.
Lord, strengthen me, don’t let me fall into Satan’s trap. Create in me a clean heart and a right Spirit. Let Your word be hid in my heart that I will not sin against You! (Reference to Psalms 119:11)