Meditating on God’s Words
Psalms 119:11,15 AMP
“Your word I have treasured and stored in my heart, that I may not sin against You. I will meditate on Your precepts and [thoughtfully] regard Your ways [the path of life established by Your precepts].”
I discovered some time ago that the way to stay true to God is to stay in communication with God. That communication is prayer. Not just a special time of the day for prayer but through the day listening and talking to God. I hear God in my spirit speaking to me, but my go to is the words of God. I can hear God speak to me through His words.
I had a fellow minister say to me this past weekend that he went through a time a few years back that he couldn’t hear God for a time. I said to my wife, I have never had that happen to me and I pray that it never does happen. I’m definitely not more spiritually intuitive than my fellow minister, but I have always been able to hear God in His words since I was nineteen years old.
So, in order to keep God’s voice heard, I stay in His words. In this passage, the Psalmist says, “Your word I have treasured and stored in my heart…” and he also says, “I will meditate on Your precepts and [thoughtfully] regard Your ways…”
How does this work in order to keep us from sin and to find the way God wants us to go? Meditation is thinking, pondering, considering God’s words in our hearts and minds. Not just reading His words but taking His words and rolling them over and over again in the heart and mind. We should want to know what God has said, because those are the words that will keep us from sin and those words will lead us to a closer relationship with Him.
If some translations are hard to understand, find another translation, there are hundreds right at our fingertips online. Seek His word is seeking a closer relationship with the Creator, our Father, our God.
Lord, I want a closer walk with You. I want to know You more and the more I stay in Your words and the more I keep the communication going with You throughout my day, the better I understand who You want me to be, what You want me to do in this life. In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!