

Ecclesiastes 7: AMP

“For wisdom is a protection even as money is a protection, but the [excellent] advantage of knowledge is that wisdom shields and preserves the lives of its possessors.”     

Money can provide a certain level of security, but wisdom offers a deeper and more lasting form of protection. When was the last time we depended on money to solve a matter? Money can fix a few things, but compared to wisdom, money falls short. We have a lot of people playing the lottery when what they really need is wisdom of how to get ahead. Some need a financial miracle but money is a temporary solution, wisdom lasts a life time.

Wisdom surpasses financial means by guiding decision-making, problem-solving. Obtaining knowledge, understanding, and insight can do far more in navigating life’s challenges and uncertainties. Money may offer a temporary shelter, but true wisdom will bring far more security. While money can offer temporary relief in times of crisis, wisdom gives us the insight to navigate challenges effectively.            

Knowledge is good if we apply what we learn. On the application of knowledge we gain wisdom. When situations repeat themselves or when we see things that we recognize and we apply our knowledge, by making proper decisions that will bring results. That is called wisdom.  


Lord they next time we get into a tight and we think money is the relief, give us the wisdom to work out our problems before we apply the cash. In Jesus name, Amen!                                          

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