Good Medicine
Proverbs 17:22 NKJV
“A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.”
So, why or how does a merry heart do good like a medicine?
1. When we encounter someone with a smiling face it tends to make us smile. When we do smile back it makes us feel good. Our brain is releasing endorphins, and these endorphins are our bodies feel good chemicals.
2. When we smile or see someone smiling at us or even if we see a parent and child react positively towards each other, the chemical in our brain reduces the stress hormones in our body.
3. Studies have been done that revealed that laughter has physical health benefits. I listened to a testimony of a lady that was dying of terminal cancer, they gave her just weeks to live. She said her first inclination was to cry and be sad, but she decided not to go that route. Instead, she decided to watch anything funny on tv that was good clean fun.
She watched cartoons and sitcoms that were truly humorous and anything that was truly funny. In a few months, she started to look better and feel better. The doctors were stunned, but they said, “whatever you are doing, keep doing it. She believed in prayer, and she prayed earnestly. The last I heard; she was still living 40+years later after she was supposed to have died.
Pray, believe, laugh, enjoy humor and live life to the fullest. Have a merry heart!
Lord Jesus, never let me be so prudish that I can’t laugh. I’ve seen enough of that where people take themselves too seriously. Give me a merry heart and am merry countenance and remind me to carry a smile on the inside and outside. In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!