
If You Love Me

John 14:15 ESV
“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.”

Another statement Jesus gave His disciples before He went to the Father. I interpret it like this; “Guys, if you really, really love me, with a love that you will do whatever it takes to show that my love to the world, you will hold on to my teachings like they were a lifeline, because they are. If you really, really love me, you will remember everything I taught you. Just so you will have help remembering, I will ask My Father to give His Holy Soirit to be with you and in You.

If you really, really love me, don’t just remember my teachings, obey them, put them to practice. In fact, teach them to someone else, if my words and commandments are in your heart and mind, spread it around. If you love me, you will keep my words alive.”

That is exactly what the disciples did, they kept Jesus’s words and actions alive by writing about them and telling the whole world what He said and did. Does He expect any less from us?

Lord, I do love you. For the rest of my life, I will keep Your commandments, share Your words Your deeds, Your miracles. For the rest of my life I will tell of Your sacrifice, Your death, Your resurrection and Your promises. In Your name Lord, Amen!