
Hebrews 13:2 ESV

“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”

The other day I listened as someone was encouraging a stranger. The stranger was shocked, amazed and at the point of tears. It was simple no flashing lights, no fanfare, just a simple exchange. When they walked away, I thought how a simple act could resound in the mind for years to come.

What if the encourager was an Angel, or what if the recipient was an Angel? Either way, either person, that day was different from that point on. When you do a random act of kindness, don’t brag about it, just walk away thinking, “I may have ministered to an Angel of God! When someone is encouraging to you, receive it with joy, it too could be an Angel.

Father, I am open and receptive to encourage anyone who you send my way. And if You send an Angel by for me to minister to, I would be honored. If You send an Angel by to minister to me, I will also receive it with honor.