

Proverbs 27:19 ESV

“As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects the man.”

We may see ourselves in one light different than what others see. If I stand in front of the mirror and I do not like what I see, the negative words and thoughts I have of myself begin to affect my mindset.

There was a friend of a friend who said over and over again out loud so people could hear him, “I’m getting old, bald, and fat.” Strangely enough, my friend said that he saw the man several years later in a mall and the man said hello but he did not recognize him anymore. He had become his words, old, bald and fat. His words took root in his life and his words became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I want my heart to be pure, but I also want my heart to say that I am getting better looking and slimmer with every year. That may sound humorous, but I also want what is in my heart to be spoken inwardly and outwardly. I want to use my heart to build up and not tear down, not just myself but others as well.


Lord, myself image needs to match Your image of me. I want everyone who is reading this devotion to know that they are beautiful or handsome, created in Your likeness, with Your heart in them and that they have the mind of Christ. Let them read it, know it, receive it and live it. In Your name Lord Jesus I ask, Amen!

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