Isaiah 37:32 ESV
“For out of Jerusalem shall go a remnant, and out of Mount Zion a band of survivors. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.”
Understand, this is a word of the Lord to Hezekiah the King when the threat of a believable enemy had sent word that they were coming to destroy Judah. The enemy went so far as to taunt God, not a smart move on their part. The enemy spoke these words in the open that everyone in Judah heard what was said and how they were going to destroy them and that there was nothing that Judah could do to stop them. God was listening to their threats and their words, but God will always get the last word.
God was promising Hezekiah a deliverance. It was a deliverance that no one could have imagined. At night, the angel of the Lord came down and killed all the army of the enemy, 185,000 of them, one angel, one night. Days later, the King of that mighty army was found in his temple worshipping an idol and his sons killed the evil king there in his temple.
Judah survived and continued as usual; God was their avenger.
This word was for Judah and King Hezekiah, but God can do the same for us if we will trust God and lean on Him and not fear the threats and shrink back from the enemy. The zeal of the Lord is this: God’s passionate and unwavering commitment to fulfilling his purpose. It is God’s desire to redeem us and deliver us out of the hands of the enemy and bring us back to Himself. Our God loves us that much!
Oh Lord, You hear the taunts of the enemy, You see their reproach and how they mock us and deride You. Lord, pay the enemy back for the torments, the fears, the things he has stolen. Lift our hearts in faith, in trust, in believing and knowing that You will avenge us of our advisory. Deliver us Lord. In Your name by Your great zeal, Amen!