Our Testimony Carries Power
Joshua 5:1 ESV
“As soon as all the kings of the Amorites who were beyond the Jordan to the west, and all the kings of the Canaanites who were by the sea, heard that the Lord had dried up the waters of the Jordan for the people of Israel until they had crossed over, their hearts melted and there was no longer any spirit in them because of the people of Israel.”
For the Israelites, all that had happened to them for forty years in the wilderness was sad, but it was because of their own failures. Still God used Israel to bring honor to His name. Before they ever crossed over the Jordan River, Jericho and the surrounding communities were gripped with fear at all that God had done for Israel (Joshua 2:9-11). Now, as Israel crossed over the Jordan River at flood stage, the great country of Amorites and the Canaanites heard about what God had done for Israel, and they were in great fear. This fear was unshakable, this fear caused their hearts to melt, and their spirits withered away, there was no fight left in them.
According to Revelations 12:11a states, “And they (the saints of God) had conquered him (the enemy) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…”
When we tell what God has done for us, or people hear what God has done for us, those testimonies break down barriers, subdues raging storms, overcomes the enemy. Our Testimony will silence the ignorant, stop the words of the father of lies and crush the enemy under our Savior’s feet.
Then those who previously would not listen, will hear, they will be silent and hear what God has done and be unable to refute our testimony.
Lord, help us to never to be silent in giving our testimony to friends, family, acquaintances and to strangers. Our words carry Your power, Your glory and Your honor. We just have to give it; You will do the rest in hearts and lives that are destined for salvation. Lord be glorified as we witness, testify, and sing praises to Your name, for Your glory. In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!