
History Repeats Itself

Ecclesiastes 3:15 NLT

“What is happening now has happened before, and what will happen in the future has happened before, because God makes the same things happen over and over again.”

We see in a lot of things in life that History repeats itself. Economic disasters generally start the same way; supply and demand get unbalanced, panic ensues, and people make crazy decisions, and the economic systems get off balanced.

The civil war was caused by foolish decisions by the culture and time and that cycle had to be broken, but a war where brother fought brother was crazy and 700,00 soldiers died in that war. What is worse, we have seen this fight in America play out several times since the 1860’s. As George Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are destined to repeat it.”

We have the Old Testament to see how people tried and failed on their own and the disasters that came from those struggles. Yet, we also see how people followed God, and they were blessed as were their children and children’s children.

Often, we face decisions, and possibly temptations, trials or circumstances that we have seen before. Sometimes they look a little different on the surface, but down deep they are the same old situations that we have seen before.

God does not tempt us, but He will allow us to face certain situations over and over to see if we will run to Him and make a change. Changing how we act or react to these circumstances as Christians means that we rely on Jesus to give us insight and direction. Then when the circumstances rise again, we know by pattern and results how to and how not to respond. We are not of this world, we do not have to relive our past mistakes, they are washed under the blood. When circumstances arise, remember how to and how not to respond, that is wisdom.


Lord, direct our paths. I know that history repeats itself and that can be scary at times when I am faced with the same problems, but I look at it this way, I have another chance to make a wise decision and lean on You. I believe that You make us wiser, stronger, more dependent on You through all the circumstances of life, I just have to continue to trust in You in all situations. In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!

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