
Staying Connected

Philippians 2:4 ESV

“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

This devotion is for practicality. Everyone needs to have a connection whether we live alone or not. We need to have a connection with people of like faith, people that love us and we love them. With people that are concerned about our well-being and we are concerned about their well-being. 

The church at Philippi started in a home, essentially a home church which was very popular in the begging days of the New Testament church. Fellowship was intimment and people found commonality. Paul is urging this church to reach out and care for one another. He was not saying to just find one person, but find as many as they can to help, encourage, strengthen and even care for them. Paul taught them that they are to serve in humility and be selfless.

I believe we need to stay in contact with people. Commonality is understandable, but we should also reach out to others and show love and mercy. These days a lot of families and individuals will isolate. I understand that course of action, there is safety in the home, and with those that we are most familiar with. We also need to have friends, companions that we stay in touch with. In the light of recent days with Gene Hackman and his wife, they wanted isolation, but they were too isolated no one checked in on them for almost two weeks before their tragic deaths.

Stay in contact with people, even if it is just by phone calls, text, email or social media. Have a point of contact with others, share Jesus, share words of encouragement, show compassion and love.


Lord Jesus, help us to look after one another. Help us to look after those who are isolated for one reason or another. Help us to look after those that just need some kind of communication if for no other reason but to show love and compassion for their life. Most importantly, to show them Jesus. In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!

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