
For Me to Live is Christ

Philippians 1:21 ESV
“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”

Paul was beaten, stoned, hated and derided, shipwrecked, and now imprisoned at the time of this letter. But still, Paul found joy in his afflictions, because they had strengthened his faith rapidly and allowed him to serve as a strong witness for Christ.

Preaching and living out the Word of God was Paul’s highest goal, and these events had provided him with great opportunities for evangelism. Paul knew that his death would bring glory to God as his life and ministry had brought glory to God.

In his death, it would be the time when his faith would come to fruition and he would live with his Savior forever. For Paul, living would allow him to do more for Christ, but he was not afraid to die.

Dying would allow him to see Jesus face to face, dying would relieve his pains and suffering at the hands of the Jewish authorities. But Paul’s quest was to live for Jesus, witness of the Lord’s saving grace, and reach every soul that he could for the cause of Christ.

Lord, I want to do more for You, reach more for You, and strengthen more people for You. Open up the doors for me to reach our my potential for the Kingdom of God.