Forethought Proverbs 24:27 ESV “Prepare your work outside; get everything ready for yourself in the field, and after that build…
Saving Our Neighbors Jude 1:22-23 “And you must show mercy to those whose faith is wavering. Rescue others by snatching…
Finding Our Way Proverbs 2:6-9 NLT “For the Lord grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He grants…
Thinking About What We Hear Proverbs 14:15 NLT “Only simpletons believe everything they’re told! The prudent carefully consider their steps.”…
Living By Our Words Proverbs 13:2a, 3 “Wise words will win you a good meal…Those who control their tongue will…
Consider Your Ways Haggai 1:5-6 NLT “This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: Look at what’s happening to…
Great Is His Faithfulness Lamentations 3:19a, 21-23 ESV “(I) Remember my affliction and my wanderings…But this I call to mind,…
The Lord my Help Psalms 94:18-19 AMP “If I say, “My foot has slipped,” Your compassion and loving kindness, O Lord, will hold…
Offerings to the Lord Psalms 141: 2 ESV “Let my prayer be counted as incense before you, and the lifting…
Level Pathways Psalms 143:10-11 ESV “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God! Let your good Spirit…