
Unfailing Love and Joy

Psalms 94:18-19 ESV

“When I said, ‘My foot is slipping,’ your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.”

Many often feel like they are slipping, or at least not moving forward.The Psalmist says that he said within himself that he was slipping, it does not say that he was actually slipping away, it was just his despair and desperation overpowering what he knows to be true, that God’s unfailing love is our strength and support.

The Psalmist also says that when anxiety (fret, fear, anguish of heart, worry, stress, perplexities) were great within him, that is, inside his head and heart, that God’s consolation (comfort, peace, rest, solace, the blessings of His words) brought him to the place of joy.

If we feel like we are on slippery ground or not moving forward, or if we are in distress or anxious, let God bring comfort, peace and joy. 

That can only happen if we release the anxieties unto Him and let Him trade sorrow of heart into joy. Give it all to Jesus.


Lord, in our times when the thoughts of our own minds overwhelm us and it feels like we are going backwards instead of forwards, help us to remember the promises of Your words. In times when it feels like the walls are closing in on us and the anxiousness of our heart make us feel numb, bring us to Your perfect peace and comfort. In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!