
Psalms 119:28 ESV

“My soul melts away for sorrow; strengthen me according to your word!”

Have you ever been exasperated, to the point of despair? David found himself in that condition numerous times, especially at Ziklag. David and his mighty men came home one day to Ziklag, Only to find their tents were burning, their wives and children gone and all their possessions taken.

David and his mighty men were so distraught they sat down and cried, yes they cried. But the situation became worse for David, David’s men secretly talked about stoning him because he was the leader and they felt like it was his fault. That’s a bad day! But David remembered the Lord and I have no doubt that he also remembered the faithfulness of God’s word that lifted him up many times.

Eventually, that same day by the hand of God, David and his men took back their wives, children and their possessions and took the plunder of the enemy just as an added blessing. God is faithful! Father, help me in the time of my despair to remember your word and feed on your faithfullness.