
Offerings to the Lord

Psalms 141: 2 ESV

“Let my prayer be counted as incense before you, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice!”

The incense offering to the Lord in the Old Testament was a blend of aromatic substances or oils, most often made by a perfumer. These oils symbolize purification, consecration, and God’s divine presence. The burning of the incense was required by God by the priests perpetually. This burning of the incense was pleasing to God, and a reminder to the people of His presence.

David asked God to consider his prayers to be counted as his praise in the presence of God. David also asked if the lifting up of his hands in praise to be considered as the evening sacrifice. The evening sacrifice was a burnt offering, and it symbolized the people’s dedication and consecration to God. It served as a daily reminder of Israel’s covenant relationship with God. 

No wonder David said, “Let my prayer be counted as incense before you (praise and honor of God’s presence), and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice (a dedication to God and a reminder of the covenant relationship)”


Lord, let our prayers this morning be counted as praise and honor to Your Holy Presence like the burning of incense in Your temple. Let the lifting of our hearts and hands be as the evening sacrifice of praise and dedication to You, as a reminder of our relationship with You. In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!

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