
How We Overcome

Revelations 12:11 ESV

“And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb, and because of the word of their testimony; and they loved not their life even unto death.”

How do we overcome our enemy satan? Well, first and foremost Jesus paid the price to free us. He paid the price at Calvary with His own blood. 

John also records how we can be a part of that victory. We believe and declare that we have been bought with a price and that we now belong to God. He is our everything. He redeemed us from sin and brought us back into His presence. We are so overwhelmed with joy about what He did for us that we testify of Him in our hearts and lives, in our words and deeds. We proclaim that we are His and He is our Lord and Savior.

We testify to the blessings we have because of His favor and sacrifice. We cannot help but tell others of this grace and mercy so that they will accept Jesus as Savior as well. By so doing we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the words of our testimony.

The last part said, “and they loved not their life even unto death. The men and women that died as martyrs died confessing Jesus as Savior and Lord. They had no thought of dying while confessing His name. They counted it an honor to die for Him.


Father, how can I overcome the enemy? I see the answer in this passage. Your Son redeemed us and freed us. Your Son made us more than overcomers, He gave us a meaningful life here and a promise to be with You forever in eternity. Thank You for victory in Jesus.