

Psalms 119:97-99 ESV

“Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day. Your commandment makes me wiser than my enemies, for it is ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers, for your testimonies are my meditation.”

I truly believe if we would meditate on God’s words daily this promise will be our heritage. We know that God’s words lead us to fulfillment and a good life. We know meditating on God’s words give us insight, direction, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. We know God’s words lead us to truth. We know God’s words revitalizes, restores, strengthens and encourages us. So, I believe God’s words can make us wiser than our enemies and I believe meditating on God’s words can give us more understanding than all of our teachers.

It is not an arrogance; it is confidence that the Father lives in us and through us and makes us wiser. It’s an assurance that we are open to what the Spirit of God wants to reveal to us in the Father’s words, and to be able to apply that wisdom and confidence in our lives daily.


Lord, we meditate (ponder, reflect, listen to the Spirit teaching us) in Your words. In doing this daily, we will build the wisdom that You want us to have, the spiritual insight You want us to acquire, the understanding that only You can give us. Our Father’s words are life, they are the very breath of God. In Your name Lord Jesus we pray, amen!