
Wonderful Counselor

Isaiah 9:6a ESV

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor…”

This verse is packed with information about our Lord; Our Savior will come as a child, (1) that denotes His humanity and His innocence. (2) He will be the Son of the Living God. (3) The government will be upon His shoulders, that is His Kingship and rightful heir to the throne. (4) He is also a Wonderful Counselor.

Pele-yoez is the Hebrew name for Wonderful Counselor but this comes with a few descriptions. The first part of the term, “pele,” means “a miracle, a marvel, a wonder,” indicating something extraordinary and beyond comprehension of how wonderful this Jesus is. Mere words are not enough to describe His ability to understand anything and everything.  

The second part of this Hebrew name is, “yoez,” means “to advise, counsel, devise”. This name is a prophetic name of who Jesus was and is. He has incomprehensible wisdom and guidance. He has the ability to lead us through any situation. He has the ability to make sense of any of life’s problems and our desperations.

Imagine needing a counselor that we can depend on. One that is so intelligent, so caring and understanding, that whatever we give Him, He has the immediate answer of what to do and when to do it. Plus, he knows if we will trust Him, He already knows the outcome if we will do exactly what He says, and allow Him to work, and it will be the perfect solution every time.

Skeptics are doubting right now because of times that we have brought Him things and they did not work out. Usually I would have to tell them, obviously you did not trust Him, you probably did not follow His directions carefully, and you probably did not wait on Him.

Look to this Wonderful Counselor, He is everything that I described and more.


Thank You Jesus, for being our Wonderful Counselor. I know I can trust You and depend on You for anything that I am going through. I know You have all the answers, all the wisdom and knowledge to know exactly what I need and what I need to do to be successful in this life and be a valuable asset to You as well. Help me, remind me to always run to You and trust You for the answers that I need. In You name Wonderful Counselor, Amen!