
Reflection of His Glory 

Philippians 4:4-5 ESV

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand…”

Paul in this passage is focused on the idea that rejoicing should take place at all times. Paul wrote these words while he was a prisoner in Rome. He had been wrongfully arrested and sent to Rome to stand trial. He was shipwrecked on the way there, bitten by a deadly poisonous snake, and left under house arrest for two years. Paul had every reason to complain, but he focused on rejoicing.

No matter our circumstances, no matter what is happening externally, we are to have joy in our heart and joy in our heart should spill out in our attitudes and character. Why? Because that type of attitude will make people notice that we are different from the dark world. We represent Jesus.

Paul also says in this passage that we should be reasonable people. All of us can think of people that we know who are unreasonable, people that rub us the wrong way, people that get on our nerves but as Christ’s representatives we should reflect Him and His glory, His honor.

As Christians, we are not to be easily angered or foolish, but rather as reasonable, wise people who can handle difficulties and disagreements with maturity. The Amplified defines reasonableness as being gracious, unselfish, merciful, tolerant, and patient.

Today, Rejoice and let it show on our faces. Be reasonable and let people see our gracious spirit.


Lord, make us like You. You have supplied the joy; we just have to be full of joy. You have been a prime example of grace, unselfishness, mercy and patience, help us to be You to the world today. In Your name Lord Jesus we ask, Amen!