

Isaiah 7:14 ESV
“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.”

This prophecy in Isaiah 7:14, is directly from God, speaking through Isaiah the prophet. God was speaking to the house of Ahaz that He will send a deliverer.”

This prophecy was over seven hundred years before the birth of the Messiah. God was promising His presence with Israel seven hundred years before it actually happened. Israel was in turmoil and strife for most of their history because of their disobedience.

God’s promise to send the Messiah, should have wakened Israel to get things right, to set in order their affairs before the Christ would be born, but they would not. As a matter of fact, Israel will be in great distress right up to the time of the Messiah’s birth.

In this promise to the house of Judah, God said that the Messiah would be called Immanuel, meaning “God is with us” or “God with us”. I find it incredible because now almost three thousand years later, Israel is no better off than they were three thousand years ago.

For us, we have an opportunity, we can accept the Messiah, God with us, to change our lives. To change our hearts, to restore the Spirit of God in us, or we can be blind and grope around in the darkness and try to find our own way.

Most of us have received the gift of the Father, that He came to dwell among mankind. We choose to accept His mercy and grace, to be forgiven of our sins, and to fulfill His promises in us now, and for eternity. Jesus, the Messiah, Immanuel, is knocking at the door of hearts all over the world at this very moment.

Father, thank You for coming to dwell among men. You came to reveal Your true character, to show us Your matchless love, to redeem to Yourself forever, Amen!