
Sing with Triumphant Jubilation

Psalms 68:4-5 ESV

“Sing to God, sing praises to His name; lift up a song to Him who rides through the deserts; His name is the Lord; exult (feel or show triumphant elation or jubilation) before Him! Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation.”

Sometimes when I don’t feel overly enthused during the day, I search for a song to the Lord to get things going. It’s not always easy and I may not feel like it, but it helps. It’s the same way when I wake up every morning, a song is playing in my head. Today that song was a contemporary Christian song called “Safe Within Your Hands.” One part of this song says, “Your love is all I need for the day,” a great way to start the day.

Yesterday was a time of celebration for most people, but not everyone had people to celebrate with them. To those I say, you are never alone, God is a Father to the fatherless (those that do not have a father present). He is also the protector and provider for the widows.

Today I say to those who may be somber or blue, God’s love is all you need today, to lift you up and to get the joy back in your heart.

Begin with a sacrifice of praise. A sacrifice of praise can be looked at two different ways, it could be an offering to God as a sacrifice was in the Old Testament, or it could be a sacrifice to get out of the state we are in and begin to give God praise. The easiest way to do both is to start with a song.

Singing is dear to God’s heart no matter how well we do or do not sound in our own minds. God loves a song from the heart. Whether it is a hymn, a chorus, or a contemporary Christian song, give it a try, God loves to hear our heart as much as He loves to hear our voices. Then feel venturous and begin to sing with triumphant jubilation. That doesn’t have to be loud, just powerful, fearless, unrestrained.

This morning as songs keeps rolling in my head, I feel that jubilation.


Lord, I offer a sacrifice of praise to You and I know You love to hear the songs that I’m singing inside my head and the ones that I am singing with my voice. I want You to be exalted, I want Your name to be lifted up and I want to offer this praise with triumphant elation and jubilation.