Holding a Conversation with God
Luke 6:12 ESV
“In these days He (Jesus) went out to the mountain to pray, and all night he continued in prayer to God.”
There is at least two ways of seeing this passage, 1) Jesus was having a dialogue with God the Father, like we do most of the time, or 2) Jesus was having a conversation with God all night long. I believe He was having a conversation with God all night long. Why? Praying to God should be a conversation, we speak, He listens, He speaks we listen.
We may not hear God audibly like Jesus did, but we hear Him speak to our hearts, minds, and spirits. We get inclinations of when we should or should not do something. We even get inclinations when we are praying, of things we should or should not be asking for in the manner that we are asking them.
We get these perceptions when we see people in true need. Hopefully we listen to what God is saying and respond accordingly. So, why is it strange to think that prayer is anything but a conversation with God? If we have the Spirit of God living in us, we know that we are tuned into the right channel, and it has a clear signal. We say what we need to say, and we hear what we need to hear!
Lord, I come to You in prayer and praise. I ask for the needs of my heart, and I listen to what You are telling me today in response to my prayers. Teach me to listen, Lord! In Your name Lord Jesus I ask, Amen!