
Hebrews 13:15 ESV
“Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.”

True worshipers will give the Father a sacrifice of praise. A sacrifice of praise is a praise that costs us something, We often praise God when He is generous towards us when He has blessed us, helped us, and protected us, and we feel generous toward Him.

We can sing, worship, and talk about how good He is, because we can see it. That kind of praise, although worthwhile, does not cost us anything. It is not a sacrifice.

Then there are those times when God did not come through the way we thought He would. The medical test comes back positive. A child is wayward. We may lose our job. God seems very far away, and praise is the last thing to bubble up from our hearts. We can’t see His goodness, and circumstances scream that He has forgotten us.

To praise God in those times requires personal sacrifice. It takes an act of the will to lay our all on the altar before a God when we don’t understand. When we bring a “sacrifice of praise,” we choose to believe that, even though life is not good, God is still good and we know we can trust Him.

Father, unfortunately, sometimes I forget to worship You when things are tough. I will work on the sacrifice of praise!