
Psalms 33:10 AMP
“The LORD nullifies the counsel of the nations (that are against God’s people) He makes the thoughts and plans of the people ineffective.”

No matter what the enemy plots against you to make you fall, God will frustrate the plans if you stay true to God. Keep walking the straight and narrow path and the enemy will be ineffective in trying to bring you down.

I know you see people sometimes every day that are hateful, vengeful and mean, they serve a god of the flesh. Forget them, they do not serve the same God you serve. If you will keep the fire of God burning inside you, God will cut the enemy down and make him stumble. There is none like your God. He is a strong and mighty tower that you can run to.

Father, I put my trust in you. Frustrate the plans and plots of the enemy. Be my strength, make my feet like the deer’s, make me tread on my high places.
(Habakkuk 3:19)