
He Brings Me to the Place of Contentment

Psalms 23:1a,2 ESV
“The Lord is my Shepherd…He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.”

A true Shepherd never drives his sheep, he leads them. Sheep follow one shepherd; they will not hear the voice of a stranger. The shepherd looks for green pastures. He looks for a safe place for the sheep to graze and to lie down and rest at night. A true shepherd will find a place where he can see danger from a great distance and be able to protect the sheep.

The green pastures and still waters symbolize both spiritual and physical needs. Our Shepherd is not just concerned and protective of us for our spiritual needs, even though that is what a lot of people think of our Shepherd. Our Shepherd is the keeper of our hearts, and minds, our spirits and our bodies as well as our emotional state.

Even though our lives seem to be inundated with challenges, hardships and illnesses at times, it doesn’t mean that we are in lack. We are living in a fallen world where life is altered by external forces that plague our minds and bodies.

Our Shepherd is still providing. Still leading us beside quiet peaceful waters where we can relax, and our needs are met. He is still watching for dangers, pitfalls and places that we can stumble. How often has He provided, and I did not rest? How often has He provided, and I did not drink from the quiet waters to restore my soul?

We used to say, “you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make them drink.” Meaning; you can provide the truth, wisdom, opportunities for someone, but you cannot make them take advantage of what has been given to them to change their circumstances. The Shepherd is providing, choose to take advantage of what He is offering.

You Lord are my Shepherd. Thank You for providing everything I need to sustain me, mind, soul, spirit, and body. I know many, many times in my life You have led me to green pastures, and I did not take advantage of what You offered. How many times have You offered sustenance and peace, and I walked away from it. Lord, You are my Shepherd, I pray that I always see Your hands of provision, protection and peace and take advantage of what You offer. In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!

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