
Dwelling with God

Psalms 23:1a, 6b

“The Lord is my Shepherd… I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

David begins the twenty third Psalm with “the Lord is my Shepherd,” and he finishes the Psalm with “I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

Many think that this means that David wanted to dwell in the Temple of God in Jerusalem, but that is not the case. When God dwells with us and we purposely dwell with God, there is a continuous partnership that takes place. God speaks with us, and we speak with God all day long and into the evening.

Often times I will wake up at night and I will have a song going in my head of praises to God or a song that I heard on the radio or sometimes I just begin praying. It is not forced, it is in honor to our Father to speak to Him at all times, because He is speaking to us at all times, not audibly, but right down in our spirits.

This dwelling in the house of the Lord forever for David became a walk with God that continued throughout the day and evening and David knew he would walk with God right into heaven when he died, and he truly would be in God’s house forever.

Remember this has to become a pattern. Dwelling in God’s house has to be a desire, it has to be something that we want. God doesn’t just want our attention on Sunday, He wants our attention at all times.


Lord, as my Shepherd, I look to You, I trust You, I want and need to hear from You. Lead me to the place that You want me to be. Keep my heart in tune with You, teach me to listen to Your every call. Open up Your word to me and give me life and meaning. You Lord are my Shepherd so I will dwell in Your house forever! In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!

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