Fan Into Flames
2 Timothy 1:6 ESV
“For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands…”
Paul wrote this letter to Timothy while he was in jail awaiting his own execution. He spent no time feeling sorry for himself, he knew he had done everything that Jesus had asked him to do. Instead he used his last days writing letters, building up lives, pressing followers to keep moving, keep spreading the Gospel.
Paul knew Timothy would no longer have his encouragement after his death, so he wrote this letter to build him up and like any letter, Timothy could read the letter as often as needed. (That is a huge hint for all of us, leave words that can be read or listened to over and over again. Emails, letters, text messages, recorded messages…whatever!) The central message is that Paul wanted Timothy to stir up the gifts that the Holy Spirit had given him.
How do we do that? Put the gifts to use, speak, sing, pray, encourage, and witness, and do it boldly. When we do, the fire of the Holy Spirit will burn brightly within our witness, words and deeds.
Lord Jesus, give us boldness in these last days. Empower us to sing, preach, pray, encourage, and witness for You. In Your name Lord Jesus we ask, Amen!