
The Hope of the Righteous

Proverbs 10:28 ESV
“The hope of the righteous brings joy but the expectation of the wicked will perish.”

This verse, along with most of this proverb, contrasts the faith and hope of the righteous and what they should expect from God, and the expectations of the unjust and what they will receive for their actions.

Our hope is anchored in the faithfulness of God. If we are firmly rooted and grounded in the scriptures, if we get to know God more and trust Him more, our expectations are assured, and it brings us great joy.

God has always been faithful. He is even faithful when we are not faithful to Him. (2 Timothy 2:13) He is faithful to us every second of everyday of our lives. He has promised to never leave us or forsake us. (Deuteronomy 31:6)

What is amazing to me is, God is faithful even when we ask, receive, and we don’t give a thought to thanking Him. We should always thank Him, continually.

Solomon says, that “The hope of the righteous brings joy…” That is just the hope of what could be, not the reality of what we did receive. Solomon is saying just knowing who God is and what He has done, and can do, in our lives brings us joy.

Father God, just the thought of You brings me joy. Just the knowledge of how you have provided, protected, loved, and cared for me and my family, and my friends brings me joy. Just the thought of what the future holds for me and my family, and my friends is nothing short of amazing grace. In Your name Father God I pray, Amen!