
Loving God

Matthew 22:37-38 ESV

“And he said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment.”

Loving God comes easy for most of us, but loving God the way He deserves to be loved takes dedication. Jesus says that we are to love the Father with all of our heart, mind and souls. That is to love God with the core of our being, our spiritual heart where we display our words and actions.

With all of our souls, the decision making part of us.  With all of our minds where our intellect lies, with all of our thoughts, will, emotions, ambitions, and dreams.  That is really tough, but it is what He deserves of us. When we choose to love God the way He deserves to be loved, with every fiber of our being, there is great reward. If I give God my heart, then my words will be blessings instead of bitterness, and strife.

If I give God all my love with my soul, that part of me that makes decisive decisions will not be tainted to make the wrong decisions, but right decisions. If I love God with all of my mind, my thoughts will not go astray so easily. I will be able to curb my emotions, I will process my thoughts with Him in mind. My dreams and desires will be what He wants of me to be.


Father, I want to make You proud of me. I want to live each day to be the person that You designed me to be, even before I was ever born. I want to love You like You deserve to be loved, because You have loved me more deeply than I can ever understand. I Love You Father, I just want to love You with all of my spiritual heart, with all of my soul, with all of my mind, will, and emotions. In Your name loving Father, Amen!

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