
Goodness and Mercy

Psalms 23:1a, 6a

“The Lord is my Shepherd…Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life…”

David said, because the Lord was his Shepherd, goodness and mercy will be his legacy, all the days of his life. What does that look like?

What we display or convey to others about ourselves, what we show people about our lives tends to be our legacy. If we see the blessings in each day more than the negatives of the things that happen in our day, we will become thankful and begin to expect good to follow us.

Likewise, if we are kind and gracious, people notice that about us, that becomes part of our legacy. Our legacy is not just what people say about us in the end, it is more about what people say about us now. Not everyone likes us, some will say things that are damaging about us, but those are tainted views of who we are. We should display the real us and let people see what is in your hearts. Let people see that Christ is in your heart day in and day out.


Lord today is a new day, we have never seen this day before. Yesterday is gone and even last year and all the years before that are gone. We cannot change the things that happened in the past, but we can change our future, one day at a time. Help us to be the best version of ourselves. Help us to see the big blessings and the small blessings. Teach us to be thankful. Teach us to be full of joy, looking for the good. Despite the bad that happens, help us to stay positive and look for the goodness and mercy that will be our legacy. In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!

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