
Imitating the Father

John 5:19 ESV

“So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly (This means what Jesus is about to say needs to be carefully listened to. He is claiming to know these things personally, directly, and first-hand.), I say to you, the Son can do nothing of His own accord, but only what He sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, that the Son does likewise.”

Jesus was trying to tell His audience that His words, actions and deeds were merely what He saw and heard from God the Father. What was Jesus’ mission on earth? Well, besides paying the penalty to bring us back to God and being the sacrifice for our sins and conquering over death, hell and the grave, He came to show us who the Father really was.

I’ve said this many times, but it is important, the God I knew as a child is not the same God that I know now. Did God change? Absolutely not, I changed. I got to know God for who He really is. The God that was portrayed to me as a child in church was rigid and judgmental God.

The God I knew at nineteen was a God of love and mercy. The God that I know now is not a God who is out to get me, He is out to use me for His glory and honor, to show me love and compassion. To bless me beyond measure. To teach me His way of living and having a full and complete life. Then He wants to bring me home to live with Him forever.

So, in Jesus’ best representation of the Father, or God walking among the people of this world, He imitates the Father’s words and actions. If we want to see God, look at Jesus. Isn’t that what He told Philip? If you have seen me and all my words, actions, and healings, you have seen the Father (John 14:9).

My best representation of the Father is to replicate His words, actions and deeds. To see us should be like looking at Jesus.


Lord, I need to become more like You and less like me! Teach me to be more like You Lord, Amen!

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