
In the Presence of My Enemies

Psalms 23:1a, 5 ESV

“The Lord is my Shepherd…You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”

Because the Lord is our Shepherd, He will show our number one enemy openly, how blessed we are, how we are loved and highly favored. It’s not a taunting, but God will show the enemy that as long as we walk with Him, He puts His hands of love on us and covers us with His protection.

Those who have been against us in this life will see the favor of God in our life in such dramatic fashion that He will pour the anointing on us and bless us beyond what we could ever imagine. People will be shocked because of the hand of God that is on our lives.

I know I have had people in my pathway that thought that I did not have what it takes to succeed, but God demonstrated His love over me that they could see God’s hand was on me not just to minister but to achieve in business as well.

He anoints our head with oil is a symbol of His anointing and appointing. He has anointed every one of us for specific works in this life, both spiritually and in attributes of our lives. He has appointed us to do certain things that are significant. We don’t always see our appointing, but they are there, and God has His way in our lives. We touch people, we give people encouragement and hope. We lift people help people and strengthen people, all these come in our times of appointing.

Our cup overflowing is a symbol of His blessings in our lives. I heard someone say one time, “He treats me better than I deserve”, no God treats us like His children, because we are His children, we deserve the blessing. We love to bless our children, and brag on our children, God does the same for us.


Thank You Lord for being our Shepherd and for showing our enemy that we are Yours and he cannot touch us unless You allow it for a season. Thank You for showing Your love for me by Your favor. We live for Your favor Lord; we live to glorify and magnify Your name. Thank You for blessings that are pressed down, shaken together, and running over in our lives (Luke 6:38). In Your name Lord we pray, Amen!

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