
Our Temple

1 Corinthians 3:16 ESV
“Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?”

This scripture can appear intimidating to some, but we should be elated by having the Holy Spirit of God living in us. Yes, it is a great responsibility to have the Holy Spirit of God dwelling in every facet of our lives and our responsibility to allow God to have His way in our lives.

This scripture should be elating because God’s Holy Spirit is living in us and through us. Knowing God can do anything in us, anything!

God cleanses our temple by the washing of His Son’s blood. We become acceptable for the Spirit of God to live in our lives forever.

The Holy Spirit in us gives us power to be who God wants us to be. Power to witness, power to overcome and anointed to do the works that God has set up for us to do before we were ever born.

The Holy Spirit gives us discretion, discernment, wisdom, knowledge and understanding, and if that was not enough, the Holy Spirit is a deposit of all that God promises us for our lives.

Father, sometimes we don’t feel worthy of Your glory, majesty and power in us, but because of Your Sons sacrifice, You made us forgiven and worthy, thank You for the Holy Spirit in us, Amen!