
The Law of the Lord

Psalms 19:7 NASB

“The Law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.”

David may not have had access to all the laws, precepts, commands and the statues of God, that was reserved for the priests, but he knew that whatever God required is what would build him up if He would obey. David loved God, and David wanted to be pleasing in God’s eyes, so obedience to God was absolute!

Here David says that the Law of the Lord, (the Torah, the five books of the Hebrew Bible, that would be Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy of our Bible), is perfect (flawless, without compromise and the absolute infallible commands of God). Not only is God’s command perfect, but they will also restore, bring back to original form, or revitalize the soul that obeys and keeps His commands.

The testimony, (meaning to repeat and in this case repeating God’s perfect will for us, that which is required for us) to be in the right relationship with God. 

The testimony of the Lord is sure, (fixed, firm, stable), making wise the simple. Simple in the Hebrew is not like the way we use the word when we call someone simple. When we are talking about someone being simple, we mean that the person is a good person, but not well educated. The simple in the Hebrew is describing someone who is open and receptive to the will of God. Someone who wants to learn, someone that has the ability to become wise from what they have read.

As Christians, we cannot possibly obey all the laws, statutes, precepts and commands of God on our own.  Paul says that these laws are a law within us when we except Jesus as Lord and Savior. As we submit to our Lord, the Holy Spirit guides us to obedience of God’s laws.


Lord, as we take in Your words on a daily basis, we are reminded of Your will and Your ways. Our desire is to follow You, doing what is right in Your eyes, pleasing You and not ourselves. As we submit our lives to You, let Your Holy Spirit guide our hearts, minds and our own will. In Your name Lord, Amen!