
Training to be Godly

1 Timothy 4:7b-8 AMP

“…discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness [keeping yourself spiritually fit]. For physical training is of some value, but godliness (spiritual training) is of value in everything and in every way, since it holds promise for the present life and for the life to come.

Most Christians know the right things to do; Honor God and honor Him by reading His words daily, communicate with God daily, if not all day, Be courteous and kind to one another, love your neighbor.

What if we slack off on honoring God, or reading His word daily, or we just don’t communicate with God on a daily basis? Typically, if one part fails, the other part fails, we stop honoring God, and communicating with God daily, we start slipping in our spiritual life and in our personal lives. Spiritual discipline has to begin with our dedication to God, knowing where our strength comes from, it comes from God.

I was taught by a Physical Therapist to do certain stretches before starting my work out for my knees. The strange is, if I do not do the stretches, no matter how much I try to keep my legs strong, they never seem to get stronger. The stretches are not hard, just time consuming. You get the picture.

Before we go out in the world today, do some stretching, honor God by reading His word, honor God with praise and singing, talk to God like you would a good friend. Here’s the way that works; we talk to God, He listens, God talks to us, we listen. Then we can be effective in this world.


Lord, today, I honor You! Thank You for Your love, grace, and mercy towards me and my circle of influence. Thank You for Your blessings, if I would try to count those blessings, I would find that I can’t count that high. Thank You for walking with me today, thank You for Your hand of protection. Thank You for directing my path today. Thank You that Your words are a lamp to my feet, and a light to my pathway. In Your name Lord, AMEN!