

2 Timothy 2:2 ESV

“…and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men (and women), who will be able to teach others also.”

Yesterday’s verse of scripture was more about spreading the word to the lost or what we call evangelism.

This verse is not a reference to evangelism but a reference to Discipleship. When we are in the presence of someone or multiple people that are already believers, we want them to become mature Christians. Mature Christians can find their place in the body where they will be productive for the Kingdom of God.

I was in Ocala some years back when a lady I knew approached me to talk to me about a resent revival that had been ongoing. She was very excited, and she said to me, that five thousand people had received Christ as their Savior during an open air revival somewhere neutral in the city. I said to her that that was amazing, praise God! Then I asked her, what happened after that? She was confused, so I explained, “Five thousand people came to Christ, but did you plug them into churches in the area, or small groups for Bible study?” She was perplexed, no they did not point these people to any churches or Bible studies to help them to become strong Christians and to help them through the rough patches until they became strong Christians.

It was great news that these people received Christ, but sad that they did not have a support system in place to disciple them. EVERYONE needs to be discipled. Everyone deserves the opportunity to be strong and productive for the Kingdom.


Lord, help me to fulfill the mandate that Paul gave Timothy and find reliable men and women who will be able to teach others. In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!