
Completing Our Mission

Philippians 1:6 AMP

“I am convinced and confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will [continue to] perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus [the time of His return].”

What did God birth in you and me, that we have not completed as of yet? For me, I have several plans that I have not completed, but I have that feeling way down deep inside that they will be fulfilled soon. A few of my plans I believe will take me until my time here is done, but I believe they were meant to take me home with Jesus.

Whatever God birthed in you, whatever He put in your heart, I pray this year He brings it to pass. I pray for you and your loved ones to have renewed hope, inexpressible joy, abundant peace, prosperity, health, healing, restoration and courage. I pray that whatever rises against you and your loved ones will fall by the power of our mighty God. I pray that every day is a new day full of opportunities and possibilities.   

He who began the good work in you will be faithful to complete it. He is God, and with God nothing is impossible. Nothing is too late to take place in your life, in your home, with your family and with your circle of influence. If there are a few things that I can ask for in this new year with you and your circle of influence, read Gods word every day, communicate with God every day. Be a positive influence in people’s lives and be ready for God to do some new things, and complete some old things.


Lord, You make a way for us, where there seems to be no way. You work in ways that we cannot see. Your ways are not our ways, and our ways are inferior to Your ways. We will trust in You, rely upon You, hold Your hand and together we will be difference makers. In Your name Lord Jesus, have Your way in us, Amen!